
domingo, 8 de março de 2015


Abaddon (Apollyon). 
Angel of death, destruction, and the netherworld. 
The name Abaddon is derived from the
Hebrew term for “to destroy” and means “place of
destruction.” Apollyon is the Greek name.
In MAGIC Abaddon is often equated with SATAN and
SAMAEL. His name is evoked in conjuring spells for malicious
deeds. Abaddon is the prince who rules the seventh
hierarchy of DEMONs, the ERINYES, or Furies, who govern
powers of evil, discord, war, and devastation.
Originally, Abaddon was a place and not an angel or
being. In rabbinic writings and the Old Testament, Abaddon
is primarily a place of destruction and a name for one
of the regions of Gehenna (see HELL). The term occurs six
times in the Old Testament. In Proverbs 15:11 and 27:20,
it is named with Sheol as a region of the underworld. In
Psalm 88:11, Abaddon is associated with the grave and
the underworld.
In Job 26:6, Abaddon is associated with Sheol. Later,
Job 28:22 names Abaddon and Death together, implying
personifi ed beings.
In REVELATION 9:10, Abaddon is personifi ed as the
king of the abyss, the bottomless pit of hell. Revelation
also cites the Greek version of the name, Apollyon, probably
a reference to Apollo, Greek god of pestilence and

Astaroth (Ashtaroth). 
A male DEMON who evolved from
the ancient Phoenician mother goddess of fertility,
Astarte or Ashtoreth. Astaroth is also a FALLEN ANGEL
and 29th of 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. According to Judaic
lore, he was a high-ranking ANGEL, either one of the seraphim
or a prince of thrones, prior to his fall.
Astaroth is a grand duke and treasurer of HELL and
commands 40 LEGIONs of demons. He is one of the three
supreme evil demons, with BEELZEBUB and LUCIFER, in
the Grimoire Verum and Grand Grimoire, which date from
about the 18th century. In the Lemegeton, he appears as
either a beautiful or an ugly angel, riding a dragon and
holding a viper. He possesses a powerful stench and
stinking breath. Magicians who desire to conjure him
must hold a magical ring in front of their faces to protect
themselves against his smell.
Astaroth teaches all the sciences and is keeper of the
secrets of the past, present, and future. He is invoked
in necromantic rituals of divination. When conjured in
magical rites, which must be performed on Wednesday
nights between 10:00 and 11:00, he will give true answers
to questions about the past, present, and future. He discovers
secrets and is skilled in liberal sciences. He encourages
slothfulness and laziness.
The demon is said to instigate cases of demonic POSSESSION,
most notably that of the Loudun nuns in France
in the 16th century (see LOUDUN POSSESSIONS). The nuns
accused a priest, Father URBAIN GRANDIER, of causing
their possession. At Grandier’s trial, a handwritten “confession” of his was produced detailing his PACT with
the Devil, witnessed and signed by Astaroth and several
other demons.
Astaroth loves to talk about the Creation and the Fall,
and the faults of angels. He believes he was punished unjustly
by God, and that someday he will be restored to his
rightful place in heaven.
Astaroth can be thwarted by calling upon St. Bartholomew
for help.

Abraxas (Abrasax, Abraxis). 
Gnostic name for the
demigod who rules the 365th (highest and fi nal) aeon, or
sphere, ascending to the unknowable God. Christian
demonologists put Abraxas in the ranks of DEMONs.
Abraxas also was the name of a sun mounting an
ouroborus (a snake biting its tail) held by the highest
Egyptian goddess, Isis, the creator of the Sun and mistress
of all the gods. Isis mythology found its way into
Gnosticism. In addition, Abraxas was associated with the
Mithraic mystery religion of Persian origin, the chief rival
of Christianity in Rome in its fi rst 400 years. As did Gnosticism, Mithraism featured a complex astrology and
numerology. Numerical values of Mithra’s and Abraxas’
names each total 365.
The Gnostic Abraxas created the material world and
also had demonic qualities. He is the supreme power of
being, in whom light and darkness are both united and
transcended. Orthodox Christians viewed Abraxas as a
demon. In turn, Abraxas became a favorite deity of heretical
sects of the Middle Ages.
Gnostic talismans made of carved opal show Abraxas
as a fi gure with a human body, the head of a rooster (or
occasionally a hawk), and SERPENT legs. His hands hold a
shield and a whip, the shield usually inscribed with the
name Iao, reminiscent of the Jewish four-letter name of
God. He is often mounted on a chariot drawn by four
white horses, with both Sun and Moon overhead.
The rooster represents wakefulness and is related to
the human heart and the universal heart, the Sun. The human
torso embodies the principle of logos, or articulated
thought. The snake legs indicate prudence. The shield is
symbolic of wisdom, the great protector of divine warriors.
The whip denotes the relentless driving power of
life. The four horses symbolize the four ethers by which
solar power is circulated throughout the universe.
The seven letters of the name of Abraxas represent the
seven creative powers and planetary spheres, or ANGELs,
recognized in the ancient world. The letters add up to a
numerological value of 365, the number of days and powers
of the year.

Asmodeus (Aeshma, Ashmedai, Ashmodai, Asmoday,
Asmodius, Hasmoday, Sydonay). 
The DEMON of lust,
the third of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS, and of jealousy,
anger, and revenge, and the 32nd of the 72 SPIRITS OF
Asmodeus’ chief objectives are to prevent intercourse
between husband and wife, wreck new marriages, and
force husbands to commit adultery. He is also one of the
chief demons involved in cases of POSSESSION. Throughout
history, he has been regarded as one of the most evil
of SATAN’s infernal demons. He is usually portrayed as
having three heads, those of an ogre, a ram, and a bull,
all sexually licentious creatures; having the feet of a
cock, another sexually aggressive creature; and having
wings and the tail of a SERPENT. He rides on a dragon and
breathes fi re.
Asmodeus has his roots in ancient Persia. His name is
derived from AESHMA, one of the seven archangels, or amarahspands,
of Persian mythology. The Hebrews absorbed
him into their mythology, where he attained the highest
status and most power of all his legends. According to the Hebrews, he is the son of Naamah and Shamdon. Prior
to his fall from heaven, he was part of the seraphim, the
highest order of ANGELs. In other Hebrew legends, he is
either associated with or the husband of LILITH, the demon
queen of lust. Sometimes he is said to be the offspring
of Lilith and Adam.
The book of Tobit tells how Asmodeus lusted after a
young woman named Sarah and killed each of her seven
husbands before the marriages could be consummated.
With an eighth suitor, Tobias, in her life, Sarah prayed to
God for help. God sent down the archangel Raphael, who
instructed Tobias in how to make an incense of the heart
and liver of a glanos fi sh, which would drive away Asmodeus.
After Tobias and Sarah were married, Asmodeus
appeared in their wedding chamber to kill Tobias, but the
incense forced him to fl ee. He went to Egypt, but Raphael
tracked him down and bound him.
According to the pseudepigraphical Testament of Solomon,
Asmodeus lives in the constellation of the Great
Bear (Ursa Major). He spreads the wickedness of men,
plots against newlyweds, spreads madness about women
through the stars, ruins the beauty of virgins, and commits
murders. He is forever thwarted by Raphael and the smoking
liver and gall of a fi sh, especially the sheatfi sh, which
lives in Assyrian rivers. He has knowledge of the future.
Asmodeus is taken into the presence of King SOLOMON
by the Prince of Demons, BEELZEBUB. Sullen, arrogant,
and defi ant, he tells the king he was born of a human
mother and an angel father. He also says that Solomon
will have only a temporary hold over the demons; his
kingdom eventually will be divided, and demons will go out again among men and will be worshipped as gods because
humans will not know the names of the angels who
thwart the demons. He admits that he is afraid of water.
Solomon binds Asmodeus with care. He orders the demon
to be fl ogged and orders him to state his activities.
Asmodeus says, “I am the renowned Asmodeus; I cause
the wickedness of men to spread throughout the world.
I am always hatching plots against newlyweds; I mar the
beauty of virgins and cause their hearts to grow cold. . . .
I spread madness about women through the stars and I
have often committed a rash of murders.”
Solomon puts him in IRON chains and surrounds him
with 10 jars full of water, which make the demon complain
bitterly. Asmodeus is forced to make clay vessels
for the temple. Solomon also burns the liver and gall of a
fi sh and a branch of storax beneath the demon, quelling
his nasty tongue.
Solomon uses his magic ring to force Asmodeus and
other demons to build his magnifi cent temple. After its completion,
Solomon tells Asmodeus that he cannot understand
why demons are so powerful when he, their leader, could be
so easily chained. Asmodeus says he will prove his greatness
if Solomon will remove his chains and lend him the
magical ring. Solomon does so, only to be hurled far away
from Jerusalem. Asmodeus steals the ring, forces Solomon
into exile, and becomes king himself. He throws the ring
into the sea. But Solomon’s lover, the Ammonite Namah,
fi nds the ring in a fi sh belly, and the king regains his power.
He is immediately transported to Jerusalem when he puts
on the ring. As punishment, he puts Asmodeus in a jar.
Asmodeus was absorbed into Christian lore, becoming
one of the Devil’s leading agents of provocation. Witches
were said to worship him, and magicians and sorcerers
attempted to conjure him to strike out at enemies. GRIMOIRES
of magical instruction sternly admonish anyone
seeking an audience with Asmodeus to summon him
bareheaded out of respect. JOHANN WEYER said Asmodeus
rules gambling houses.
According to the Lemegton, a major grimoire, Asmodeus
is the “fi rst and chiefest” under AMAYMON and goes before
all other demons. He gives the ring of virtues and teaches
arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and all handicrafts.
When properly summoned, he gives full and true answers
to all questions. He can make a person invisible and will
reveal all treasures under the guard of Amaymon.
He was one of the infernal agents blamed for the obscene
sexual possession of the Louviers nuns in 17thcentury

FALLEN ANGEL and the seventh of the 72 SPIRITS
OF SOLOMON. In HELL, Amon is a strong and powerful
marquis. He appears fi rst as a wolf, but on a magician’s
command, he will take on the shape of a man with a
raven’s head and dog’s teeth. He accurately tells about the
past and the future. He makes men and women fall in love
with each other, and he settles disputes between friends
and enemies. He rules over 40 LEGIONs of DEMONs.

Symbol of the satanic goat. Baphomet is
portrayed as a half-human, half-goat fi gure, or a goat
head. The origin of the name Baphomet is unclear. It may
be a corruption of Mahomet or Muhammad. The English
occult historian Montague Summers suggested it was a
combination of two Greek words, baphe and metis, or
“absorption of knowledge.” Baphomet has also been
called the Goat of Mendes, the Black Goat, and the Judas
In the Middle Ages, Baphomet was believed to be an
idol, represented by a human skull, a stuffed human head,
or a metal or wooden human head with curly black hair.
The idol was said to be worshipped by the Order of the
Knights Templar as their source of fertility and wealth.
The best-known representation of Baphomet is a drawing
by the 19th-century French magician Eliphas Levi, called
The Baphomet of Mendes. Levi combined elements of the
Tarot Devil card and the he-goat worshipped in antiquity
in Mendes, Egypt, which was said to fornicate with its
women followers—as the church claimed the DEVIL did
with witches.
The Church of Satan, founded in 1966 in San Francisco,
adopted a rendition of Baphomet to symbolize SATANISM.
The symbol is a goat’s head drawn within an in verted
pentacle, enclosed in a double circle. In the outer
circle, Hebraic fi gures at each point in the pentagram
spell out LEVIATHAN, a huge water serpent DEMON associated
with the Devil.
A spiritual rite of transformation, rebirth, initiation,
and EXORCISM. In the Christian tradition, baptism
protects a soul against evil and the snares of the
DEVIL. In POSSESSION cases, a DEMONIAC who is exorcised
must be rebaptized.
Christian baptism is performed with water, in keeping
with the tradition established by JESUS’ baptism in
the river Jordan by John the Baptist. In Catholicism, holy
water is sprinkled on the forehead. In some Protestant
denominations, baptism is done by complete immersion
in water.
Baptisms are part of many magical rituals and may include
other elements as well. Baptism by fi re and baptism
by BLOOD symbolize intense purging and purifi cation;
blood also is redemptive, symbolizing the blood shed by
Christ on the cross.
In DELIVERANCE ministry, baptism is essential in order
to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit for discernment of
spirits and healing.
Demonic Baptism:
During the witch hunts of the Inquisition, the Devil was
believed to administer a sacrilegious baptism to his followers,
usually at a SABBAT, and as part of an infernal PACT.
The witches renounced their Christian faith and then adopted
a grotesque new name to symbolize their new identity.
Isobel Gowdie, a Scottish witch tried in 1662, said
that witches were baptized in their own blood and took
names such as “Able-and-Stout,” “Over-the-dike-with-it,”
“Raise-the-wind,” “Pickle-nearest-the-wind,” “Batterthem-
down-Maggy,” and “Blow-Kate.”
According to confessions made by accused witches,
children were baptized by the Devil along with adults.
Louis Gaufridi, who was executed for his role in the AIXEN-
PROVENCE POSSESSIONS of Ursuline nuns in 1611, confessed
to witnessing baptisms at sabbats. He stated:
"I confess that baptism is administered at the Sabbat, and
that every sorcerer, devoting himself to the Devil, binds
himself by a particular vow that he will have all his children
baptized at the Sabbat, if this may by any possible
means be effected. Every child who is thus baptized at
the Sabbat receives a name, wholly differing from his
own name. I confess that at this baptism water, sulphur
and salt are employed: the sulphur renders the recipient
the Devil’s slave while salt confi rms his baptism in the
Devil’s service. I confess that the form and intention are
to baptize in the name of Lucifer, Belzebuth and other
demons making the sign of the cross beginning backwards
and then tracing from the feet and ending at the
Such accounts of sabbats and baptisms have been discredited
as fables that witnesses were forced to confess to
by torture.


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