Cerberus guarding the gates of Hades
Cerberus (Kerberos)
Triple-headed dog or doglike
creature who guards the entrance to Hades, the Greek
underworld. Not originally a “demonic” creature, Cerberus
became the model for the Hellhounds of the DEVIL
and other BLACK DOGS in folklore.
In classical myth, Cerberus is the offspring of Typhon,
a dragon and SERPENT-shaped monster associated
with wind and volcanic eruptions. Typhon fathered many
of the beasts of Greek legend, including Echidna, a halfwoman,
half-serpent. Cerberus lives in a den on one side
of the river Styx that separates the land of the living from
the land of the dead. There, he greets the shades of the
newly dead as they are ferried across the river by Charon.
Cerberus is unpredictable in his friendliness or hostility;
therefore, the dead are buried with honey cake offerings
for the shades to give him, which guarantee his
As gatekeeper to the underworld, Cerberus also prevents
shades from escaping. He fi gures in numerous
myths of descent to the underworld, including the labors
of Hercules and Orpheus’ foiled rescue attempt of his
lover, Eurydice.
In Homeric poems, Cerberus is “the dog.” Hades gives
Hercules permission to take him up from the river Acheron
provided he can quell the beast without weapons.
Hercules descends accompanied by Mercury and Minerva,
wrestles the dog into submission, and takes him
to Eurystheus, king of Tiryns. Saliva drips from Cerberus
and creates the poison aconite.
Hesiod, a Greek poet ca. the eighth century B.C.E.,
was the fi rst writer known to have called Cerberus by a
proper name. Hesiod described the beast as having 50
By the time of the Roman poets, Cerberus had evolved
into a three-headed dog with a dragon’s neck and tail and
serpent’s heads along his back. Virgil (70–19 B.C.E.) provided
the most detailed description of Cerberus in book
6 of the Aeneid, describing the underworld journey of
Grim Cerberus, who soon began to rear
His crested snakes, and arm’d his bristling hair.
The prudent Sibyl had before prepar’d
A sop, in honey steep’d, to charm the guard;
Which, mix’d with pow’rful drugs, she cast before
His greedy grinning jaws, just op’d to roar.
With three enormous mouths he gapes; and straight,
With hunger press’d, devours the pleasing bait.
Long draughts of sleep his monstrous limbs enslave;
He reels, and, falling, fi lls the spacious cave.
The keeper charm’d, the chief without delay
Pass’d on, and took th’ irremeable way.
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