
quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015

Demônios chicoteiam pecadores no inferno.
O inferno 
Morada submundo das almas dos mortos. Em
Cristianismo, o inferno é o oposto do céu e é a
local a governado pelo Diabo, onde os demônios atormentar os pecadores
para a eternidade. O inferno é a completa ausência de Deus, luz,
e amor; um lugar de fogo insuportável e horríveis torturas.
Inferno leva o nome de HEL, a deusa nórdica da
submundo. A maioria dos conceitos de vida após a morte segregar o
bem do mal, enviando-os para separar moradas.
Amenti (também Amentet) é o submundo no Osiris
culto do mito egípcio e religião. Amenti, o que significa
"Terra escondida", está localizado onde o Sol se põe no oeste.
Depois de chegar no Amenti, a alma é tomada pela jackalheaded
deus da morte, Anubis, com uma sala de julgamento. Anubis
pesa o coração da alma contra a pena da verdade e
luz, ea alma é julgada por 42 juízes. Almas dignas
ir para os campos de Aalu (também Aaru), que são alcançadas
passando através de 15 ou 21 portões guardados pelo mal
demônios armados com facas longas. Os Elysium-como campos
foram cultivadas para a alimentação para os mortos. Almas que não julgamento
e pesando são comidos por um monstro chamado Ammit
(Ammut) e enviado para um lugar de tormento.
O submundo grego de Hades é um reino de sombras.
As almas dos mortos são tons incolores que vagueiam
sobre em um mundo sombrio deprimente. Conforme
Homer, eles não têm sangue ou ossos, o Twitter como morcegos, e
buscar as forças vitais vitalizadoras de sacrificar animais em rituais de necromancia. 
No pensamento grego posterior, os bons são
recompensados ​​e os maus são castigados.
Os mortos alcançar a vida após a morte, atravessando o rio Aqueronte,
o rio de tristeza, em um barco impulsionado pelo barqueiro
Charon. Ele deve ser pago para a passagem, geralmente sob a forma
de uma moeda colocada debaixo da língua do falecido. Depois
passando pelo guardião, o cão de três cabeças Cerberus,
os mortos se para o lugar de julgamento.
Hades é dividido em Campos Elísios, um paraíso para
o bom, e Tártaro, um inferno para os ímpios. Tem
muitos rios. Além do Acheron, principais são o Cocito
(Lamentação), Phlegethon (fogo), Lete (esquecimento),
e Styx (ódio), a última das quais divide o superior
e mundos inferiores.
Três juízes do submundo, Minos, Radamanto,
e Aeacus, pesar almas em um lugar onde três
estradas se encontram. O abençoado são enviados para os Campos Elísios, o
ímpios são enviados para o Tártaro, e aqueles que não são nem são
enviado para os campos de Asphodel.
Os ímpios são infelizes e sofrer, mas não no
mão dos demônios.
Os primeiros cristãos usaram os Hades prazo para traduzir a
Termo hebraico Seol, a terra dos mortos.

Em zoroastrismo, o inferno é criado na terra média por
Ahriman, o cação personifi de mal supremo. Em sua batalha
contra Ohrmazd, o deus bom, Ahriman ataca o
terra, rasgando o céu, criando noite. Ele
hurtles em direção à terra e furos diretamente por ele,
fazendo um túnel. Este buraco torna-se inferno, infestado com
demônios. Almas condenadas são enviados aqui para sofrer extremos
de calor e de frio, odores repugnantes, comida podre, e
os tormentos de demônios, que roer, andorinha, e Pierce
os condenados com lanças. A extensão da punição é
adequado para os crimes e pecados das almas. Almas que estão
nem totalmente bons nem totalmente maus ir a um purgatorio
Hamegstan, um reino sombrio e opressivo
com extremos de calor e frio. Sendo enviado para o inferno não é
permanente, no entanto. No último julgamento, todo pecado é
Após a morte, a alma passa três dias sentado no
cabeça de seu corpo orando por seu futuro. Em seguida, deve passar
um rio inchado com as lágrimas de choro entes queridos. Se for muito
muitas lágrimas foram derramadas, o rio não pode ser atravessada.
A alma é ajudada por seu anjo da guarda. Se o rio é
cruzou, a alma, em seguida, chega à Ponte Chinvat, ou
"Ponte do Requiter," para atender a três anjos do julgamento:
Mitra, Srosh, e Rashnu. As obras da alma
são pesados. Dependendo do ajuste de contas bem ou mal,
a ponte é ampla e fácil de atravessar, ou afiada e estreito,
fazendo com que o ímpio, para cair no inferno.
Um texto, O Livro de Arda Viraf, descreve o inferno em
detalhe como um sombrio, fedorento, Ery fi, e morada deprimente.
Há quatro colinas signifi cativas: Dush-humat, o lugar de
maus pensamentos; Dush-hukht, o lugar das palavras mal; Dushhuvarsht,
o lugar de maldades; e Chakat-i-Daitih,
um deserto e escuro poço fedorento cheio de demônios abaixo da
Chinvat Bridge. O poço mais profundo é Drûgâskan, um lugar tão
escuro que o sentido da visão é perdida.
Punições fi t a natureza dos pecados; 85 são descritas
em O Livro do Arda Viraf a partir do século VI. 85 de seus 101 capítulos preocupação inferno. O visionário é
Arda Viraf, que viaja para o céu e o inferno com dois
Guias: Srosh o piedoso e Ataro, um anjo. Além de testemunhar
paisagens e torturas do inferno, Arda Viraf vê
Angra Mainyu, o destruidor mundo mortal conhecida mais tarde
como Ahriman.
Ao contrário do inferno cristão para vir, demônios não fazer
forçar os castigos sobre os condenados; em vez disso, o
maldito provocado as punições em si mesmos, enquanto
demônios olhar. A punição mais comum é comer
coisas fétidos e pútridos por milhares de anos até
a ressurreição final. Outras punições incluem a
comer de seus próprios corpos, carne, e excremento, menstrual
fluidos e sêmen, sangue e cérebro de crânios de
os mortos, e seus próprios filhos. Torturas também incluem
pendurado (particularmente upside-down), desmembramento,
decapitação, laceração, mutilação e auto-mutilação
cortando, roendo, devorando, rangendo, piercing,
surra, lacrimejamento, pisoteando, picadas, e arrastando. O
ímpios são esfaqueado e apedrejado e esticado em prateleiras;
eles são forçados a suportar enormes cargas e executar
tarefas dolorosas e infrutíferas; são queimados e cozidos em
fornos, caldeirões e frigideiras; são lançados para dentro
calor, frio, fumo, neve e mau cheiro. Eles suportar a fome
e sede, e eles são forçados a lamber coisas quentes ou
para defecar e se masturbar continuamente; elas são submergidas
na lama e se transformou em serpentes. Seus olhos
são arrancados e as suas línguas puxado para fora; substâncias pútridas
são forçados em seus narizes, olhos e bocas.
Seus pênis são roído e seus seios são rangeram
e cortado.
Fogo está presente no inferno de Zoroastro, mas não é um instrumento
da tortura; em vez disso, implementos e objetos quentes
e metal fundido são usadas contra os condenados.

Sheol (lugar dos mortos) é um lugar sombrio sob a
terra onde as almas continuam a sua existência na vida após a morte.
O termo grego equivalente para o hebraico Seol é Hades,
mas como um lugar após a morte, não como um lugar de castigo.
Daniel 12: 2, que diz respeito a vinda do messiânica
reino, expressa a convicção de que Deus não vai
abandonar as almas no inferno: "E muitos dos que dormem no
o pó da terra ressuscitarão, uns para a vida eterna,
e outros para vergonha e desprezo. "
Todas as almas vão inicialmente ao Seol (com exceção de um
alguns justos a quem Deus leva direto para o céu).
Em 3 Enoque, dois anjos da destruição escoltar "intermediário"
Souls (aquelas igualmente bons e maus) e perversas almas
ao Seol. As almas intermediárias são purificadas no fogo, a fim
para comparecerem na presença de Deus. Eles têm espiritual
formas que são rostos humanos com órgãos da águia. As faces
são verdes por causa da mancha de seu pecado e continuará a ser
assim até que eles são purifi ed.
As almas perversas, cujos rostos são tão negros como os fundos
de panelas por causa de seus pecados, são tomadas por um anjo para
Geena (inferno) para a punição. Geena ou Gehinnom
(Vale de Hinom) está associado com o vale literal
de Hinom sul de Jerusalém, onde ces sacrifi humanos
foram feitas para Moloch. Contas diferentes existem a respeito
a criação do inferno: ele foi criado por Deus em
no segundo dia, ou que existia antes do mundo e sua re fi
foi criada no segundo dia. Ela existe quer acima do
rmament fi, atrás das montanhas escuras, ou no fundo do
terra. Sua fogo é 60 vezes mais quente do que qualquer fogo na Terra
e nunca se extingue. Ele cheira a enxofre. Pecadores ir
imediatamente à Geena, onde são punidos em terrível
dor por toda a eternidade.
No cristianismo ortodoxo, o inferno tem quatro níveis. O primeiro
dois são regiões limbo por almas pré-cristãos, agora desocupados,
e para as almas das crianças não batizadas. O
terceiro é o purgatório, onde a maioria dos mortais ir antes da admissão
ao céu. A duração da sua estada depende
a gravidade de seus pecados. O quarto é o próprio inferno, reservado
para a punição eterna dos condenados, que não têm esperança
da redenção.
O inferno existe nas entranhas da terra. Terremotos são
produzido pelas convulsões dos condenados, de acordo com
crença ortodoxa.
Há três portões para o inferno: na terra habitada,
no deserto, e no fundo do mar. No
Idade Média, cavernas foram considerados os pontos de entrada
para o inferno.
O inferno é caracterizado por extremos de temperatura.
Há fornos insuportáveis ​​e campo e chamas, e
frio extremo, gelo, e frigidez. Os condenados são punidos
de acordo com os seus pecados, e de forma semelhante às descrições
do inferno Zoroastrian. Seus corpos são torturados
e dilacerado por demônios; eles são submetidos a
piercings e pendurado em posturas agonizantes, como por
suas línguas ou seios. Eles têm os seus órgãos e fl esh
devorado; eles comem excrementos e fi lth. Eles têm a sua
genitais e seios mutilados. Worms rastejar dentro e fora
de seus olhos.

Jahannam é o inferno islâmico, o destino não só de
criminosos, mas dels infi e aqueles que não acreditam em
Deus. O maldito são forçados a comer a fruta amarga a partir de um
árvore chamada Zaqqum e suportar uma série de outras torturas.
O Alcorão enfatiza os tormentos do inferno para rebelde
Muçulmanos. Os culpados são "presos com correntes, as suas vestes
campo, e os rostos cobertos com chamas "(sura
14: 49-50). Para aqueles que se opõem a mensagem de Deus, "Inferno
se estenderá por trás deles, e água pútrida beberá:
ele vai saborear, mas dificilmente engolir. A morte assaltam
de todos os lados, mas ele não morrerá. Tormento angustiante
espera por ele "(sura 14: 16-17), e" Vestuário de fogo têm
foi preparado para os incrédulos. Água fervente deve
será derramada sobre suas cabeças, fundindo suas peles e que
que está em suas barrigas. Eles devem ser fixados com varas de
ferro "(sura 22: 19-20).
Visitas ao Inferno
Numerosas figuras religiosas e visionários visitaram
um ou ambos os lados da vida após a morte. Zaratustra (Zoroastro)
foi dito ter feito viagens de meia-noite para o céu ea
inferno, como fez Moisés. Há uma tradição de que Jesus foi para
inferno por três dias entre sua crucificação e ascensão
para o céu. A Bíblia não faz clara referência a ele, mas a
declaração de que Jesus foi para o inferno está no Credo dos Apóstolos.
1 Pedro 3:19 diz que Jesus foi pregar aos "espíritos
na prisão ", uma referência interpretado no sentido de inferno.
Emanuel Swedenborg teve numerosos fora-do-corpo
visitas a vida após a morte, e ST. JOÃO BOSCO visitou o inferno em
sonhos lúcidos vívidos.

sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2015


Gaap (Goap, Tap) 
FALLEN ANGEL and 33rd of the 72
SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. Once a member of the angelic order
of powers, Gaap is a president and mighty prince in
HELL, ruling 66 LEGIONs of DEMONs. He appears when the
Sun is in the southern signs, as a human with huge bat’s
wings and preceded by four powerful kings. Gaap teaches
liberal sciences and philosophy; excites love and hatred;
makes men insensible; gives true answers about the past,
present, and future; and takes FAMILIARs away from magicians.
Upon command, he will move people quickly from
place to place. Gaap gives instruction in the consecration
of things that belong to the divination of his master,

Gadreel (Gadriel) 
In 1 Enoch, a FALLEN ANGEL. Gadreel
means “God is my helper.” Gadreel leads Eve astray and
teaches men how to make the weapons of war.
galli In Sumerian lore, a group of seven DEMONs who
live in Kur, the underworld.
The galli attend Ereshkigal, the sister of Inanna and the
goddess of death and gloom. Ereshkigal sits naked on a
throne of lapis lazuli in her palace, which is surrounded by
seven walls. Anyone, either mortal or god, who enters Kur
is doomed to stay. The galli, however, are free to come and
go. When they go to the world of the living, they terrorize
people and kidnap them to Kur. Galli can exist in favorable
form. They do not eat or drink or sexually molest people as
many other demons do. However, they despise children.
According to lore, Ereshkigal imprisoned Inanna in the
underworld. She escaped, but the galli tracked her down
and threatened to take her back unless she found a good
substitute. Inanna discovered that her lover, Dumuzi, was
not sad at her death but was celebrating it. In a rage, she
killed him with a look and gave him over to the galli to
take her place in Kur. The galli fell upon Dumuzi, tore up
his face, and slashed him with an ax. Dumuzi takes the
place of Inanna in Kur for six months of the year. During
that time, it is winter.

Gamaliel ANGEL and DEMON. Gamaliel means “recompense
of God.”
In the Nag Hammadi and other Gnostic literature, Gamaliel
is a great aeon, or angellike demigod, whose name
is mentioned frequently for graciousness and protection.
With ABRAXAS and Sablo, Gamaliel takes the elect into
heaven. The occultist Eliphas Levi saw Gamaliel as an
evil adversary of the cherubim angelic order, a demon
who serves under LILITH.

Gamigin (Gamygyn) 
FALLEN ANGEL and fourth of the
72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. In HELL, Gamigin is a duke with
30 LEGIONs of DEMONs. He appears in the form of a small
horse or ass and then changes into a human. His voice is
hoarse. Gamigin teaches liberal sciences and delivers
news about people who have died in sin. He can summon
the souls of drowned men and those who are in purgatory.
These souls appear as aerial bodies before the magician
and give answers to questions.
Garadiel DEMON and wandering duke of the air, who
never stays in one place. Garadiel has 18,150 servants, but
no dukes or princes beneath him. The number of his attendants
varies according to the hours of the day or night. All
are good-natured and willing to obey commands.
Gediel is the second in command under CASPIEL
and has 20 servants during the day and 20 during the
night. Each duke has 20 servants. All are courteous and
willing to obey the commands of an EXORCIST or magician.
Eight principal dukes of the day under Gediel are
Coliel, Naras, Sabas, Assaba, Sariel, Panciel, Mashel, and
Bariet. Major dukes of the night are Reciel, Sadiel, Agra,
Anael, Aroan, Cirecas, Aglas, and Vriel.

Gemory (Gomory) 
FALLEN ANGEL and 56th of the 72
SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. Gemory is a powerful duke in HELL
with 26 LEGIONs of DEMONs. He appears as a beautiful
woman with the crown of a duchess, who rides a camel.
He discovers hidden treasures and gives true answers
about the past, present, and future. He procures the love
of women, especially girls, but also old women.
genie In pre-Islamic and Islamic lore, a DJINN. The
term genie is an English translation of djinn, which fi rst
appeared in print in 1655 and is probably also related to
the older Latin term genius, a type of guardian or tutelary
spirit of people, places, and things that was demonized
by Christianity.
Genie became the popular English term for djinn, primarily
because the French translators of The Book of One
Thousand and One Nights, a collection of Arabic folktales,
used it in place of djinn. One of the most familiar tales,
“Aladdin’s Wonderful Lamp,” features a genie released
from a magical lamp that fulfi lls wishes.
In Roman mythology, the genius (pl. genii) is present
at the birth of a person, remains with him or her throughout
life, and shapes the person’s character and destiny. If a
guardian of a place, the genius serves as the animating force
that gives a location its unique power and atmosphere.
In Assyrian lore, the genie is a guardian spirit or minor
deity. In art, it is often portrayed as having a role in
royal rituals. Genies are anthropomorphic, with animal
heads (and sometimes wings) and human torsos and
limbs. They guard and purify kings, members of royalty,
supernatural fi gures, and open doorways against malevolent
demons and the disorders they cause. In art, they are
shown holding a pinecone in the right hand and a bucket
of either water or pollen in the left hand. Both bucket and
cone have associations of purifi cation. Portrayals of genies
were placed in buildings as guardians.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2015


 Legend of a learned but arrogant man who
makes a PACT with the DEVIL. The Faust legend was based
on the legend of THEOPHILUS and circulated widely in
Europe in medieval times. It was published as a novel in
the mid-1500s after the Protestant Reformation.
The best-known version of the story was published
in 1587 by a German publisher, Johann Spies. Translated
into English by 1594, the manuscript inspired Christopher
Marlowe to write his play, The Tragicall History of
D. Faustus, around 1601. In the late 18th century, Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe wrote his version of Faust.
The Early Story of Faust
Faust, the son of a husbandman, was born in Roda, Weimar,
Germany. He was raised in a Christian household.
Faust had a superior intellect and earned a doctorate in
theology. But he was vain and arrogant. He indulged in
gluttony and lust.
Faust began dabbling in MAGIC. One night, he went to
a CROSSROADS in the woods, cast a magic circle, and conjured
the Devil. The Devil appeared as a griffon or dragon,
then as fl ying lights, then as a burning man, and fi nally as
a gray friar who asked Faust what he wanted. Faust compelled
him to agree to go to his house the next morning.
By evening, Faust agreed to a pact presented by the
Devil. He agreed to three things:
• Faust would become the Devil’s property after a certain
number of years.
• He would sign an agreement to this effect in his
own BLOOD.
• He would renounce the Christian faith and defy all
In exchange, the Devil would fulfi ll every lust of
Faust’s heart and grant him the body and powers of a
spirit. In his arrogance, Faust thought the Devil might
not be as bad as others said.
The Devil revealed his name as Mephostophiles (MEPHISTOPHELES).
Faust gave him the following written pact:
Do publicly declare with mine own hand in covenant
& by power of these presents:
Whereas, mine own spiritual faculties having been
exhaustively explored (including the gifts dispensed
from above and graciously imparted to me), I still cannot
And whereas, it being my wish to probe further into
the matter, I do propose to speculate upon the Elementa;
And whereas mankind doth not teach such things;
Now therefore have I summoned the spirit who calleth
himself Mephostophiles, a servant of the Hellish
Prince in Orient, charged with informing and instructing
me, and agreeing against a promissory instrument
hereby transferred unto him to be subservient and obedient
to me in all things.
I do promise him in return that, when I be fully sated
of that which I desire of him, twenty-four years also
being past, ended and expired, he may at such a time
and in whatever manner or wise pleaseth him order,
ordain, reign, rule and possess all that may be mine:
body, property, fl esh, blood, etc., herewith duly bound
over in eternity and surrendered by covenant in mine
own hand by authority and power of these presents, as
well as of my mind, brain, intent, blood and will.
I do now defy all living beings, all the Heavenly Host
and all mankind, and this must be.
In confi rmation and contract whereof I have drawn
out mine own blood for certifi cation in lieu of a seal.
Doctor Faustus, Adept
in the Elementa and in Church Doctrine.
Thus began Faust’s relationship with Mephostophiles,
whom he conjured daily inside his locked study. The DEMON
always appeared in the guise of a friar. Mephostophiles
indulged Faust with the fi nest foods and then an
endless supply of women.
Faust also plied the demon with questions about the
formation of the world, heaven and HELL, and how the
ranks of demons came into being as a result of the fall of
After nearly eight years had passed, Faust one day ordered
Mephostophiles to summon his lord, BELIAL, but
BEELZUBUB appeared instead. Faust asked to be taken on
a tour of hell. Beelzebub returned with a bone chair and
whisked Faust away.
It seemed Faust fell asleep, and when he awakened,
he was in the abyss, which was full of contorted animals,
sulfuric stenches, quakes, lightning, fl ames, and tremendous
heat. He also saw many well-known people, including
royalty, suffering in the heat. Faust was returned to
his own bed, but he was certain he could not withstand
hell himself.
Faust then desired to see the heavens, and a coach
drawn by two dragons appeared and took him up into
the sky, 47 miles up. He looked down upon the earth, and
then he was taken into heaven.
In his 16th year of bondage to the Devil, Faust undertook
a pilgrimage to Rome, where he had dinner with the
pope and stole his goblets and fl agons. He then went to
Constantinople and visited the Turkish emperor.
Faust had other adventures, including meeting Emperor
Charles V and the duke of Bavaria.
Faust entertained a group of students by having Mephostophiles
conjure up Helen of Troy.
After Faust had spent 19 years with the Devil, an
old man tried to persuade Faust to repent and return
to Christianity, but Faust renewed his demonic pact by
writing another one in his own blood. He affi rmed that
in another fi ve years, Lucifer would have full sway over
Faust had Helen summoned again and began living
with her. In the 23rd year of his pact, she became pregnant
and bore a son, whom Faust named Justus Faustus.
When Faust’s 24 years were nearly up, he made out a
will. As his end approached, he became depressed and
fearful of his fate. He regretted his pact. He summoned
his students for a fi nal night of dining and company at a
village inn and urged them all to follow a good life.
That night between midnight and one o’clock, a great
storm arose. A hideous music fi lled the inn, along with
Faust’s cries. The students were too frightened to look
into his room.
The next morning, Faust was gone. But a hideous sight
greeted the students:
The parlor was full of blood. Brain clave unto the walls
where the Fiend had dashed him from one to the other.
Here lay his eyes, here a few teeth. O it was a hideous
spectaculum. Then began the students to bewail and
beweep him, seeking him in many places. When they
came out to the dung heap, here they found his corpse.
It was monstrous to behold, for head and limbs were still
Helen and Justus were missing, never to be seen
The students obtained permission to bury Faust’s remains
in the village. They discovered Faust’s written record
of all that had happened to him—a sober lesson in
the consequences of dallying with the Devil.
The story of Faust had different versions and grew
in length as time went on. For Faust, there is no redemption;
once the demonic pact is made, the price of
it must be paid. Other stories of demonic pacts allowed
for repentance and redemption, specifi cally through the
intervention of the Blessed Virgin Mary (see MARY OF
Goethe’s Faust
Goethe began Faust in 1774 and worked on it for 60 years,
leaving parts of it to be opened posthumously. The story
is of a genius who sells his soul to the Devil, then sins, repents,
dies, and is redeemed. Faust is an aspect of Goethe
himself and shows Goethe’s knowledge of religion and alchemy
and his mystical speculations.
The Prologue in Heaven was probably infl uenced by
Goethe’s reading of Paradise Lost by John Milton. It presents
God with the archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel.
Mephistopheles, the Devil, enters as a court jester
and asks God about mankind’s wretchedness. God mentions
Faust, “my serf,” and agrees to let Mephistopheles
try to sway him. Faust is “doctor” of all knowledge of all
the realms, but he has no solace. He projects a noble aspiration
of the human spirit, despite his sinister side. He
serves as the focal point for the struggle between good
and evil as a necessary part of evolution. In Goethe’s view,
the seeds of good can lie hidden in evil, but at the same
time, there can be something satanic in the loftiest feeling
or the satanic can even grow out of it.
In part 1, Faust is in despair with weariness and emptiness.
He deplores the limitations of book learning and
decides to seek real power through magic, but both his
immense knowledge and magical power have been rebuffed
by the Earth Spirit, the lesser deity that dwells
in the earth. He is miffed that he, “godhead’s likeness,”
“more than cherub,” has been “withered” by the Earth
Spirit’s rejection. Faust is about to commit suicide when
Easter bells and a chorus of ANGELs interrupt him. Mephistopheles—
a symbol of the libido’s greed for gold and
lust—arrives on the scene with attendant spirits he calls
“my airy cherubim.” The seduction of Faust through his
limitations begins, and Faust sells him his soul. His youthful
vigor restored by a witch, he descends into sensuality,
which destroys Gretchen, an innocent woman who
loves him. Faust attends a witches’ sabbat. He watches
Gretchen die and prays to the heavenly hosts for protection.
A heavenly voice proclaims she is redeemed while
Mephistopheles insists she is damned.
As part 2 opens, it seems lifetimes later. Faust wakes
in a charming landscape with FAIRIES and Ariel (the same
spirit of the air from Shakespeare’s play). Mephistopheles
next takes Faust to Greece for an inside view of an emperor,
lovemaking with Helen of Troy, and frolic among
the gods, satyrs, fauns, and nymphs. His steady movement
to damnation contrasts with the glories of knowl-
edge and sensuality. After Faust dies, he is buried by angels
and DEMONs.
In act 5 of part 2, the heavenly angels confront Mephistopheles
and his devils to seize Faust’s soul and carry
it off. In the epilogue, male and female saints and blessed
children sing of God’s plan as the ranks of angels comment
on the ascent of Faust’s immortal essence. Gretchen
is heard among the chorus of penitent women, and Faust’s
soul is received by a Sophia-like “Woman Eternal.”